Monday, March 7, 2011

iTs ALL about LOVE... :)

Every person will feel "these" when everyone fall in LOVE.....
but dun't u ever to wish bad things for the person that u hate...cause..later u will feel the same feeling like them... and forget all about being unfaithful...u will regret what u've done....TRUST ME.... Be yorself... love everyone..dun't make anyone that u love hurt...kind to everyone...choose the truth LOVE....dun't force your heart to love someone...dun't be hypocrite... dun't let anybody hate u dear....dun't be loneliness....find someone that u can trust to ALWAYS by your side when u in trouble or lonely....u will be happy after that...fill your life with happiness...die???...dun't think about it...just be happy... life only once dear...choose the person that love u...and u can try to love him after that... the person that love us, can make us more me...
 IF anyone that u love have someone else, let him go..think about his happiness and go find peaceful and try to love someone else...dun't be ego!!! (its hurt)
 U will never know how strong u are until being strong is the only choice u have..

                                                                                   LOves. intan syafiza...

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